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Wendy’s 60th Birthday Celebration at the Amazing Hoppy Hearts & Hart-verloren Venue in Krugersdorp

Rebecca Coetzee contacted me about providing our Photography service for her mother’s 60th Birthday Celebration. Wendy is a mother, Grandmother wife and friend to many, and the family had planned to honor her and celebrate the Lord’s goodness to her. I was keen to meet the family and help to pay tribute to Wendy.


The Celebration took place at a venue that’s a hidden gem nestled in Krugersdorp in the West-Rand, that I (like quite a few others) had never heard of. It’s called Hoppy Hearts & Hartz-verloren, and it’s absolutely Gorgeous. The decor, flower arrangements and Candle-settings all looked stunning, and became even more beautiful as the sun started setting and the candle-lit glow filled the place.

Wendy looked amazing and her face was glowing with joy. She was surrounded by her husband, brother, sisters, kids, grandkids, friends, and her 94-year old mother. That is indeed an amazing testimony of God’s grace to have such a large gathering of some of the lives that she has impacted, and from she had also received blessings from.


The evening was filled with speeches telling of Wendy’s love for Jesus and her family, of her kind-nature and willingness to be available to any and all who needed it. People also spoke of how Wendy had decided to spend her birthday serving and helping women at a Place of Safety, giving of her time and resources to show her servant-nature.


The fruits of love and kindness shown in her children and grandchildren are a testimony to the beautiful Woman she is.

Our Prayer is that the Lord will continue to bless her for many years to come, that her years which lie ahead will be even more fruitful and joyous than the years already lived.



29 “Many women do noble things,
    but you surpass them all.”
30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.
31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,
    and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.


Proverbs 30:29-31 (NIV)


Hoppy Hearts & Hart-Verloren is an amazing Gift Shop, Ladies Boutique & Coffee-shop. The Venue is available for hire for intimate functions and celebrations. Contact Tasha Schoeman (Owner & Entrepreneur) to make your next event absolutely memorable.

Telephone: 079-313-5638



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