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Day 01
Know your "Why"

Welcome to the start of the Challenge!

It’s great that you have taken the first step towards starting your 

Personal Branding Video journey.

Each day of this journey will consist of:

  1. A short coaching video about one aspect of Recording yourself
  2. 1 (or more) tips for you to learn from
  3. One KICK-START Prompt for you to put into action

Your turn

Take out your phone, and record a 10-20sec video,

with this simple prompt:

What is one thing you want to achieve by becoming comfortable recording yourself?

We do not accept every engagement we’re
approached about.
It’s vital that we work with people &
companies who share in our brand values.
We’d love to hear more about you and your
story. Fill out the contact form and we’ll be in
touch as soon as possible