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Anti-Zuma march (12-04-2017)



On the intersection of Madiba and Sisulu roads, close to 100,000 people found themselves marching to the Union Buildings in a protest against the presidency of Jacob Zuma.

Ironically, we find ourselves today under a leadership that has strayed drastically far away from the ideals which Madiba (Nelson Mandela) and (Walter) Sisulu sacrificed their lives for.

I don’t recall any one issue in post-apartheid South-Africa which has caused as much division as Mr Zuma’s choices during his terms as President: within the ANC, and within South Africa as a whole.

And his recent cabinet reshuffle has been something of a tipping point for us as a nation.

Today, I saw people marching arm-in-arm, going beyond barriers of black/white/EFF/DA/rich/poor/young/old. One unifying thread: Our love for our country, our home.

I believe that today’s  march (by itself) won’t change Mr Zuma’s mind and cause him to resign. It has highlighted an awareness of how much hurt and brokenness we are living with in our nation. There is however a strong call to prayer. Pray for the government, pray for our nation, pray for South Africa.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV)

“… if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”